The 23plusone value system: discover your personal drives

23plusone can provide a missing piece in the puzzle of many people, organisations and situations. But what concrete applications are there?

We’re going to answer this question in as many ways as possible in our blog and newsletters in hope that it will provide you with an application that is relevant to your own experience. Because that is the beauty of 23plusone. It really can be relevant in the lives of everyone, both personal and professional. So let’s start with an application that most people do not consider when learning about 23plusone. The application in our personal lives.

While 23plusone has the power to uncover hidden value systems of large multinational corporations, it can also illuminate the values within ourselves. Simply by picking up the deck of cards and asking yourself the question “What is important to me right now?” you’ll get a glimpse of your own (in most cases) hidden value system.

So why not start there? By clarifying what is important to ourselves we get a better sense of what we want and need in order to be happy. This can in turn seep into every aspect of your life, meaning your professional life will also benefit. And you can build out from this question to also discover priorities for the coming time by asking yourself “What do I want to improve at in the coming year/month/week?”.

With these starting questions, you can learn to understand yourself better over time through the underlying values that drive you. And you can adapt them to tackle things that are relevant to your personal experience. For example, asking “What do I struggle with at the moment?” or “What gives me happiness at the moment?”. The possibilities are as limitless as our own creativity, so consider what fits you best!

And in case you got excited reading this but don’t actually have your own set of cards yet, no worries. You can order them in our shop.


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